Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hitler vs Churchill

These concept pieces were done for a comic project with Addam Duke that never really went anywhere. It was pitched as an alternative history WW2 story in which Hitler was a charasmatic body builder and him and Churchill would fight on the top of airships. The idea was neat and I liked a lot of things about the concept work. At the very least, it gave me some practice with sepia illustration fakery.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Adelaide Loves Baby Goats

A picture for my lovely and dear friend Adelaide for her birthday.

Loopdeloop - MASK

For this particular entry into Loopdeloop's August theme MASK, I wanted to try my had at a different type of animation. It took multiple attempts to try and get some satisfying movement, but eventually when the mask was falling apart, I had achieved the look I was going for.

Check it out on Loopdeloop